What is LEOSA? The Law Enforcement Officer Safety Act of 2004. This law was passed to allow Qualified Law Enforcement Officers (QLEO) and Qualified Retired Law Enforcement Officers (QRLEO) to carry concealed firearms in any jurisdiction in the United States, with certain exceptions.
OSI's policy on LEOSA has been updated. OSI LEOSA Update - 19 Sep 14
OSI may not conduct NCIC checks on retirees to meet the HR 218 and DoD requirement for a criminal history check. While HR 218 amendments required this to be done before issuing the ID card, the adjustments to the law and DOJ policy have not been finalized for NCIC checks. We do not know when or if this will be resolved allowing NCIC checks to be conducted by the issuing agencies in order to meet the criminal history requirement.
For all applications, to satisfy the criminal history check, DOD has recommended that applicants can request their criminal history from FBI CJIS using the I-783 Form. The links for the form and instructions can be found below.
The criminal history results form must be sent directly to OSI/IG, not to the applicant. An I-783 form with the OSI address already included can be found below; or, the address is:
Attn: LEOSA Rep
27130 Telegraph Road
Quantico VA 22134
Several documents have been loaded on this website for LEOSA ID Card applicants. The links for these documents can be found below.
OSI has established a process to handle request for LEOSA ID Cards which is in the document titled LEOSA ID Card Instructions. Additionally, the forms and documents you require are linked below.
- LEOSA FAQ - Answers common questions about LEOSA
- LEOSA ID Card Instructions - Directions for submitting requests for LEOSA ID cards
- OSI Form 108 - Required for LEOSA ID Card applications (PDF)
- LEOSA ID Request Memo - Sample document for request memo on LEOSI ID cards (format that can be edited by member)
- OSI I-783 - FBI (pre-addressed) Identity History Summary
- LEOSA ID Signature Card - Updated February 2016