Innovative tutorial paves way for OSI, LE partners

  • Published
  • By Wayne Amann
  • AFOSI Public Affairs

Innovation has various definitions and a thread connecting them all is innovation can come from anyone, anywhere, at any time.


Enter Air Force Office of Special Investigations Special Agent Argent Palumbo, Detachment 631, Kunsan Air Base, Korea, whose creative thinking improved a process integral to military law enforcement.


SA Palumbo developed a tutorial to help co-workers understand Livescan Management Software (LSMS) functionality. LSMS integrates biometric identification data into a file that can be submitted to a local, state or federal law enforcement agency’s Automated Fingerprint Identification System or Automated Biometric Identification System.


“Since the tragic shooting in Sutherland Springs, Texas, we have significantly invested in upgrading (AFOSI’s) fingerprint and indexing capabilities with the introduction and fielding of LSMS,” said AFOSI Commander Col. Kirk B. Stabler. “With new technology often comes a steep learning curve. SA Palumbo’s tutorial was so well done, it was subsequently incorporated into Headquarters AFOSI’s own publication.”


The tutorial was shared with Air Force Security Forces, Army Criminal Investigation Command and Naval Criminal Investigative Service partners who all praised its thoroughness and value.


“It’s great to see it helps our sister services as well,” SA Palumbo said. “I received emails from friends and past co-workers, which made me realize I wasn’t the only one who ran into issues.”


When SA Palumbo began formulating his tutorial guide in November 2018 he did not have a background in software development, but he did have some experience as a former Air Force weather forecaster/observer in writing standard operating procedures.


“Weather taught me a good deal about what types of guides people preferred,” the special agent said. “Almost every time, it was something with pictures. I didn’t come into OSI with a law enforcement background, so I wanted to make it as user friendly as possible and save others from the time spent and pitfalls I ran into. This will be a way to streamline the booking process and hopefully prevent another Sutherland Springs incident from happening in the future.”


In true Wingman fashion, SA Palumbo credits others who contributed to the tutorial’s success.


“I have to especially thank SA (Dennis) Hopwood, (Det. 631, Kunson AB, Korea), for the long hours he spent helping me with it, and SA (John) Schoth, (Headquarters AFOSI Strategic Programs and Requirements) for all the work he added,” SA Palumbo said.


From a big picture perspective, the new tutorial showcases Lines of Effort presented in the AFOSI 2018 Strategic Plan and echoed in the strategic priorities of the Air Force, specifically Drive Innovation and Strengthen Our Partnerships.


“I firmly believe ownership and engagement play vital roles in the future of our command’s direction,” Col. Stabler said. “SA Palumbo’s proactive efforts and creative thinking will serve to enhance the command’s practices and partnerships for years to come”.


“This is a perfect example showing that innovation and problem solving are not always headquarters driven processes,” he added. “As in this case, great ideas and solutions usually originate in the field!”