Airman jailed for drug use, posting intimate imagery to social media

  • Published
  • By OSI Public Affairs

An Airman was sentenced to 209 days in jail after pleading guilty to multiple crimes, including drug use and posting consensual intimate images of another Airman on social media.

The investigation started June 7, 2021, based on the information given to the Office of Special Investigations Detachment 423 by the 49th Wing Staff Judge Advocate’s Office at Holloman Air Force Base, New Mexico, concerning a social media post involving the subject with alcohol and a powder suspected to be an illegal drug.

That day, following an Article 31 rights advisement, Special Agents interviewed the Airman, who acknowledged posting videos of himself, but claimed he was drinking lemonade from a bottle with an alcohol label. He denied posting any illegal drugs.

Special Agents learned that on June 4, 2021, the Airman left work that afternoon and went to a friend’s house. After that, he went to El Paso, Texas, and met with a civilian he knew from a party.

On the day of their initial interview, the Airman also provided a urine sample for testing. The results were available to Special Agents June 16, 2021, and the results indicated that he tested positive for cocaine and tetrahydrocannabinol, or THC, the active ingredient in cannabis. 

A few weeks later at Holloman AFB, a second Airman verbally relayed additional information regarding the Airman under investigation.

“I’m proud of the efforts carried out by our Special Agents,” said Special Agent Robert Peterson, Det. 423 commander. “From the onset, they maintained the upmost integrity and professionalism required while working hand-in-hand with other agencies to ensure justice was served.”

In the end, the subject Airman pleaded guilty Feb. 2, 2022, to Article 112a, Wrongful Use of Schedule I, II or III drugs and Article 117a, Broadcast, distribution of intimate images of another.

Besides confinement, the subject Airman was also given a Bad Conduct Discharge from the Air Force.

Editor’s Note: This article is the third installment of the Public Affairs “Justice for All” series; a collection of recent court martial cases highlighting the tireless efforts of OSI Special Agents, as they fulfill their mission to defend the nation, protect the integrity of the Department of the Air Force, find the truth and serve justice for all.