Airman jailed 14 years for sex crimes involving child

  • Published
  • By OSI Public Affairs

An Airman was sentenced to 14 years for multiple sex crimes involving a child, March 30 2022, at Joint Base Anacostia-Bolling, Washington, D.C., following a General Court-Martial trial.

The list of charges includes aggravated sexual contact with a child, two counts of child rape and two counts of sexual abuse of a child.

The guilty verdict comes two years after the investigation was initiated by Office of Special Investigations Detachment 327 at Little Rock AFB, Arkansas, based on information provided by a family member of the victim in April 2020.

During the investigation, Special Agents conducted multiple interviews across several jurisdictions to corroborate the allegations made while ensuring the least intrusive means were utilized to protect the victim.

Adding to the complexity of this investigation, the Airman was already in custody serving a sentence stemming from a previous 2016 OSI case were the Airman was convicted on child pornography charges involving the same victim.

Based on the interviews conducted, Agents were able to establish the Airman sexually assaulted the victim during a span of several years dating back to 2010.

Along with 14 years in prison, the offender was also reduced to airman basic; will give forfeiture of pay; and was dishonorably discharged from the Air Force.

“Crimes against children are some of the most difficult to investigate,” said SA Steven Cicchetto, Det. 327 commander. “This was a complicated case but the men and women of Det 327 were up to the task. I am immensely proud of the way our Special Agents handled this investigation while respecting the victims’ dignity. Their efforts help protect some of the most vulnerable victims and ensure justice is served.”

Editor’s Note: This article is the fifth installment of the Public Affairs “Justice for All” series; a collection of recent court martial cases highlighting the tireless efforts of OSI Special Agents, as they fulfill their mission to defend the nation, protect the integrity of the Department of the Air Force, find the truth and serve justice for all.