OSI agent receives Bronze Star Medal at OSI HQ

QUANTICO, Va. -- Special Agent (ret.) Frederick Robinson was presented with the Bronze Star Medal at the Air Force Office of Special Investigations Headquarters, Quantico, Va., in a special ceremony held in his honor May 31.

Brig. Gen. Kevin Jacobsen, OSI commander, presented Robinson the medal during the ceremony, which was attended by his wife, Randi Robinson, and his daughter, Janna Robinson, along with several friends and co-workers.

"Fred was so happy to see his OSI family and be at the headquarters," Ms. Robinson said. "We were also excited as a family to hear [from his co-workers] that he was as fun at work as he is at home."

According to Robinson's citation, he received the medal for his actions while deployed to Iraq in support of Operation IRAQI FREEDOM. During his time in Iraq, Robinson identified 496 insurgent threats, which ultimately led to the capture of 54 insurgents. Two of these insurgents were high value targets responsible for improvised explosive device attacks.

Jacobsen praised Robinson's accomplishments.

"Fred is a shining example of how an OSI agent should conduct himself in an extremely hostile environment, such as the one he encountered in Iraq," Jacobsen said. "It is clear that his efforts saved lives and helped ensure coalition forces could accomplish their mission. I was honored and humbled to present Fred with this distinguished award."

In one situation, Robinson's unit received a call from one of their informants regarding an explosively formed penetration device targeted against an inbound Army patrol. Thanks to Robinson's quick and decisive actions, the device was found and disarmed before the patrol arrived.

The Bronze Star Medal, authorized by Executive Order No. 9419 on February 4, 1944, is awarded to a person in any branch of the military service who, while serving in any capacity with the Armed Forces of the United States on or after December 7, 1941, shall have distinguished himself by heroic or meritorious achievement or service, not involving participation in aerial flight, in connection with military operations against an armed enemy.

The medal, designed by the firm of Bailey, Banks and Biddle, is in the shape of a five-pointed star 1 1/2 inches from point to point. In its center is a smaller raised star. The small star is set on a raised ten-pointed figure, from which rays extend to the points of the outer star, giving the whole a sculptured effect. The reverse of the medal also has a raised center, with rays extending to the five points of the star; inscribed on this are the words Heroic or Meritorious Achievement, encircling a blank space for the recipient's name.