OSI honors fallen during Memorial Day dedication

  • Published
  • By Thomas Brading
  • OSI Public Affairs

Members of the Office of Special Investigations came together for a flagpole remembrance ceremony at the Russell-Knox Building in Quantico, Virginia, May 20 to honor those who made the ultimate sacrifice while serving.

“[May] is a month of remembrance—a time to honor the fallen, to acknowledge the sacrifices made by those who stood between chaos and safety,” said Chief Master Sgt. Gregg Gow, OSI’s Command Chief. 

OSI representatives attended the event alongside individuals from the Army Criminal Investigation Division, Naval Criminal Investigative Service and Defense Counterintelligence and Security Agency. 

"In solemn reflection and in recognition of Peace Officers Memorial Day, National Police Week and Memorial Day, we gather here to honor those from the agencies headquartered within the Russell Knox Building who have made the ultimate sacrifice in service to our nation,” said Robert Vanderpool, OSI’s historian. 

Gow began his address by highlighting the importance of both Police Week and the upcoming Memorial Day by sharing the story of Joseph Lemm, who he said was an embodiment of heroism and sacrifice in law enforcement and the military.

Lemm, who served as a police officer with the New York City Police Department and an Air National Guardsman with the 105th Security Forces Squadron, exemplified dedication and bravery, Gow said.

"Sgt. Lemm was no stranger to putting himself in harm's way,” Gow said.  

On Sept. 11, 2001, Lemm found himself amid Ground Zero in New York following the terrorist attacks. He searched for survivors, at times placing himself at great risk to sift through the remains of the World Trade Center buildings, Gow said. 

"Almost 14 years later, Sgt. Lemm was now a detective on the warrants squad in NYC,” Gow said. However, “his call to service was not complete. In 2015, he would deploy to Afghanistan in support of [OSI] missions to identify and neutralize threats against the armed forces operating out of Bagram Air Base.”

But, on Dec. 21, 2015, while out conducting an outside-the-wire mission, Lemm and his team were struck and killed by an explosive-laden motorcycle.

"Sgt. Lemm’s story epitomizes the character of those who serve in law enforcement and in the military, paying the ultimate sacrifice,” Gow said. “Sgt Lemm is remembered by his law enforcement brethren throughout the NYPD and his military brothers and sisters in the Air National Guard.”

Lemm, who was made an honorary Special Agent following his death, was among the names read for OSI later in the ceremony, along with those of fallen members from other agencies housed in the headquarters building.

During the reading of the names, a flower bearer placed an arrangement at the flagpole. This was followed by 38 seconds of silence, one for each of the 38 names read, including 20 from OSI, of which 16 were from combat environments.   

“We take this opportunity to uphold and honor our fallen comrades,” Gow said. “We will have an opportunity to hear their names today, so their sacrifice is not forgotten.”

Names of the fallen (OSI)
Special Agent Eugene Smith, End of Watch: November 11, 1952
Special Agent Lee Charles Hitchcock, End of Watch: September 10, 1967
Special Agent Raymond R. Round, End of Watch: September 12, 1970
Special Agent Harrison Dean Pulliam, End of Watch: March 2, 1997
Special Agent Rick Alan Ulbright, End of Watch: August 8, 2004
Special Agent Daniel Joseph Kuhlmeier, End of Watch: February 20, 2006
Special Agent Matthew Joseph Kuglics, End of Watch: June 5, 2007
Special Agent Ryan Andrew Balmer, End of Watch: June 5, 2007
Special Agent Michael Walter Thyssen, End of Watch: June 9, 2007
Special Agent Thomas Alfred Crowell, End of Watch: November 1, 2007
Special Agent Nathan John Schuldheiss, End of Watch: November 1, 2007
Special Agent David Alan Wieger, End of Watch: November 1, 2007
Master Sgt. Tara Reniece Brown, End of Watch: April 27, 2011
Special Agent Adrianna Maria Vorderbruggen, End of Watch: December 21, 2015
Special Agent Chester J. McBride III, End of Watch: December 21, 2015
Special Agent Peter Wagner Taub, End of Watch: December 21, 2015
Special Agent Michael Anthony Cinco, End of Watch: December 21, 2015
Tech. Sgt. Joseph G. Lemm, End of Watch: December 21, 2015
Staff Sgt. Louis Michael Bonacasa, End of Watch: December 21, 2015
Special Agent Tara R. Lunardi, End of Watch: February 7, 2024

Names of the fallen (Army CID)
Special Agent Walter Edward Snyder, End of Watch: May 9, 1948
Investigator John Albert Hanson, End of Watch: May 9, 1970
Special Agent Leroy E. Halbert, End of Watch: December 31, 1970
Special Agent James T. Abbott, End of Watch: January 11, 1971
Special Agent Henry Herbert Tibbs, End of Watch: July 23, 1973
Special Agent Elmer Martin “Bud” Heggen, End of Watch: July 23, 1973
Special Agent Norman Emmett Larson, End of Watch: September 24, 1973
Special Agent Dirk A. Miller, End of Watch: December 12, 1985
Special Agent James Columbus Mayo, End of Watch: September 18, 1987
Special Agent Joseph M. Peters, End of Watch: October 6, 2013
Special Agent Liquat Ali “Leo” Khan, End of Watch: April 30, 2019

Names of the fallen (Defense Counterintelligence and Security Agency)
Special Agent in Charge Robert Westberry, End of Watch: April 19, 1995
Special Agent Harley Cottingham, End of Watch: April 19, 1995
Special Agent Peter DeMaster, End of Watch: April 19, 1995
Secretary Norma ‘Jean’ Johnson, End of Watch: April 19, 1995
Special Agent Larry Turner, End of Watch: April 19, 1995

Names of the fallen (Naval Criminal Investigative Service)
Staff Sgt. Daniel S. Tindle, End of Watch: August 29, 1968
Master-At-Arms 2nd Class Mark A. Mayo: End of Watch: March 24, 2014