OSI celebrates 67th Birthday!

The Air Force Office of Special Investigations celebrates its 67th birthday as a premier federal law enforcement agency August 1, 2015.

The Air Force Office of Special Investigations celebrates its 67th birthday as a premier federal law enforcement agency August 1, 2015.

QUANTICO, Va. -- As we celebrate OSI's 67th birthday this year, take a few moments to consider how much we have progressed as a premier federal law-enforcement agency since our official birth into the Air Force on August  1, 1948. 

Take time as you read our historical account to reflect on our remarkable history, heritage and accomplishments. You and those who came before you are responsible for all of them! Celebrate OSI by reaffirming your commitment to today's ever-increasing challenges and resolve to continually expand your expectations and ideas as you reach toward our limitless horizon in the years to come. Remember, the great work you do today for OSI, will be highlighted in our OSI history tomorrow.

With its mission well-defined, OSI began operations on August 1, 1948, from 25 geographic districts in the continental United States under the command of the newly-commissioned General Joseph R. Carroll. 

General Carroll, a special assistant to FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover, was detailed and tasked with this new mission after the sensationalized prosecution of Major General Bennett E. Myers on a number of fraud indictments which highlighted the need for reform and oversight within the service.

After its inception, the reach of the organization soon grew to include the activation of the 6001st Special Investigation Unit with eight districts across Far East Air Forces and the 7020th IG Special Investigations Unit which commenced operations throughout Europe. 

OSI was and remains a dynamic organization, highly independent and adaptable, and designed to protect Air Force assets and personnel in any environment, from any threat around the globe.