OSI activates Office of Procurement Fraud

  • Published
  • By James C. Dillard
  • OSI Public Affairs
The Air Force Office of Special Investigations activated its first ever Office of Procurement Fraud today at Joint Base Anacostia-Bolling, Washington, D.C., and included a ribbon cutting ceremony as part of the occasion.

With the creation of this new office, OSI will more effectively be able to centralize and consolidate procurement fraud investigations, which further promotes a renewed and sustained emphasis on combatting fraud.

Since 2001, nearly $1.9 billion has been recovered as a result of OSI's fraud mission. The Air Force saw more than $81 million dollars of those recoveries in fiscal year 2013 alone.

"Although these results are significant, we believe there is still room for improvement," said Brig. Gen. Kevin J. Jacobsen, OSI commander. "We determined the decentralized approach was not the ideal method to execute our fraud mission. We needed to restructure with a centralized fraud directorate aligned under a client/customer based concept."

OSI moved forward with three main objectives: to refocus the mission; to align OSI with their primary customer, The Assistant Secretary of the Air Force/Acquisition; and to centralize and define procurement fraud investigations across the Air Force.

"It also allows us to align and structure OSI for active engagement throughout the acquisition process and sustainment lifecycle of key Air Force infrastructure and equipment," Jacobsen said. "We will be able to combat fraud in both an offensive and defensive manner."

Jacobsen explained that OSI will defensively position a solid net around Air Force Acquisitions, Installations, Environment and Logistics programs through proactive briefings and threat products with the goal of preventing and deterring fraud before it happens. Offensively, Jacobsen said, OSI will take decisive actions to detect and neutralize fraud by working with law enforcement counterparts to leverage the right players with the intent of quickly and thoroughly examining procurement fraud allegations.

OSI has partnered with Air Force Acquisitions to align OSI fraud targets to current procurement, sustainment integrity concerns, requirements, and priorities. Going forward, OSI will enhance its collaboration with the Defense Criminal Investigative Service and the Air Force General Counsel by crafting protocols to ensure cross dialogue and mutual support throughout the investigative process.

"We have consolidated our procurement fraud mission under one centralized command and control element, here at Joint Base Bolling-Anacostia, in order to better streamline the investigative process from beginning to end with our primary customers," Jacobsen said.

Mr. Bob Kwalwasser will serve as the first director of OSI's Office of Procurement Fraud. Kwalwasser served most recently as the Director of OSI's Office of Special Projects, delivering robust security and investigative services in support of Air Force Special Access Programs.

"As we cut this ribbon today, the new OSI Office of Procurement Fraud offers the Air Force a better means of ensuring sustainment of our existing fleet and facilities as well as proper acquisition of new equipment," Jacobsen said. "We also offer the ability to instill integrity in our acquisitions systems which is paramount to maintaining the nation's trust in our Air Force to provide the global vigilance, reach and power America deserves."