What is the enlisted application/selection process?
AFTER an applicant has determined their eligibility to retrain:
The first official step in the recruitment process begins when an applicant completes the application on the Enlisted Agent Recruitment Portal.
If determined eligible, applicants will complete the required paperwork associated with application. HQ AFOSI will then contact the applicant's Air Force Personnel Center (AFPC) Career Field Functional Manager (CFM) to request the applicant’s release from their AFSC. The CFM approves or disapproves the applicant’s release from the career field.
NOTE: All applicants will need a letter of recommendation from their current commander. FTA applying after their retraining window will also need a commander endorsed exception to policy letter supporting retraining outside the FTA window.
If the applicant is released, the applicant will be contacted by the local AFOSI unit to initiate a Pre- Agent Suitability Investigation (Pre-ASI), which consist of an interview and required assessments. If the applicant is considered after the Pre-ASI, the local OSI unit will conduct a full Agent Suitability Investigation (ASI) on the applicant. Upon completion of the ASI, a determination will be made to select or non-select the applicant for OSI duty. If the applicant is selected, they will be scheduled for the next available class at the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center (FLETC).
What ranks can apply?
Enlisted personnel in the ranks of senior airman (with less than 6 years' time in service), staff sergeant and technical sergeant (with less than 11 years' time in service); technical sergeants with more than 11 years can apply on a case-by-case basis and should pursue a time in service waiver through their local OSI detachment BEFORE applying through the Enlisted Agent Recruitment Portal.
What is the time-in-service restrictions?
Time-in-service restrictions apply based on the member’s Total Active Federal Military Service Date (TAFMSD). At the time you would begin OSI training, your time-in-service (measured from your TAFMSD) must not exceed the following: for senior airmen, 6 years; for staff sergeants and technical sergeants, 11 years. Under certain circumstances, the time-in-service restriction can be waived.
An additional restriction applies to an applicant's length-of-enlistment obligation. A First-term Airman serving a four-year enlistment can apply for OSI between his or her 35th and 43rd months of enlistment. A First-term Airman serving a six-year enlistment can apply between the 59th and 67th month.
If the applicant is assigned OCONUS, the retraining window is different. Airmen assigned OCONUS must apply between the 15th and 12th month before their DEROS, as long as they will enter the 35th month of service (59th for 6-year enlistees) on or before DEROS.
Can I apply if I am on a controlled tour (MTI/MTL, Recruiter, Tech School Instructor, etc...)?
CAREER Airmen serving on a controlled tour assignment cannot apply until they are 12 months out from their controlled tour completion. FTA may apply as long as they are within their FTA retraining window.
Do I need to have a college degree? If not, does having one help my chances?
You do not need a college degree to apply. However, a degree may help, as it demonstrates your ability to complete a significant goal. A degree may also positively influence your chances if it is a degree in a field of study we value, such as foreign languages, computer sciences, and electronics.
Can I apply if I have derogatory information in my record?
Yes, however we will consider all derogatory information during the overall determination of suitability.
Members who are currently on the Control Roster or who have a current Unfavorable Information File are not eligible. However, members with letters of counseling, letters of reprimand, or some types of Article 15s (after 4yrs or more) in their record are eligible to apply. Current enrollment in, or successful completion of, an alcohol treatment program disqualifies an Airman for 3 years from the date of successful completion of the program.
Can enlisted members of the Army, Navy, Marines, and Coast Guard apply?
No. All enlisted personnel, even those coming from other branches of the armed forces, must serve in another Air Force career field prior to applying to AFOSI. All applicants must meet the rank and time-in-service requirements stipulated above. With the creation of the U.S. Space Force, typical Air Force retraining does not apply. In order to apply to OSI, you must be enlisted in the Air Force.
If a person from another branch of service enters the Air Force with qualifying rank (senior airman through technical sergeant), how long must he or she serve in another Air Force career field before applying?
The same rules apply to everyone, whether you've come over from another branch of service or not. A person serving a four-year enlistment can apply for AFOSI between the 35th and 43rd months of the Air Force enlistment. A person serving a six-year enlistment can apply between the 59th and 67th month of the Air Force enlistment.
Can I apply if my current career field is on the critical list?
Yes, but understand that the chances of being released from your current career field are small. You will first need to check the myPers retraining advisory list to see if there are OBJ Out's listed for your Air Force Specialty Code (AFSC) and rank. If there are no OUTS listed, you will need to work with your local leadership to get support before asking the functional manager of your control AFSC. AFOSI does not make or influence the decision to release you or not.
Can I apply if I have a projected assignment?
No. If you have a projected assignment you cannot apply for retraining into AFOSI. If you apply and have been released by your AFPC Functional Manager, and are later selected for PCS/PCA reassignment, AFOSI will continue processing the retraining application. If you are selected for AFOSI duty, we will request assignment cancellation.
Can I apply if I am currently deployed?
No. If you are currently deployed you must wait until you return to your home station to begin the application process.
How long does the application process take?
The complete application process can take between 3 to 6 months.
Do I have to be a security forces member to apply?
No. AFOSI accepts applications from airmen in all career fields.
What career field, if any, increases my chances of being hired?
Specifically, none. Your demonstrated character and skills - not your career field - are what will increase your chances. AFOSI looks for high-caliber people, those who've demonstrated maturity, professionalism, good judgment, and compliance with Air Force standards and core values.
Do certain skills or abilities give me an advantage?
Possessing certain skills such as fluency in a foreign language, cyber security, and advance level computer skills can be advantageous, but we consider many different aspects based on the whole-person concept when selecting an applicant for AFOSI.
Does pre-enlistment trouble with the law enter the equation?
Prior service involvement with law enforcement will surface during the background investigation and will be taken into consideration when we evaluate your character. It is vital that applicants are honest and forthcoming during every stage of the application process.
If selected, will I be able to remain at my current location?
In rare cases, members will remain at their current assignment. However, most agents are relocated after retraining into AFOSI. As with any other Air Force career field, you'll have input regarding the locations you desire, but the needs of the Air Force come first.
If I am selected but currently serving an overseas tour, when will I retrain?
You must first finish your overseas assignment, based on your Date Eligible to Return From Overseas (DEROS).
How often will I move to another assignment location?
In general, the frequency of our permanent change of station rates aligns with the rest of the Air Force. The needs of the Air Force and prescribed tour lengths determine how frequently our agents move.
What about work-related travel and temporary duty?
Temporary duty travel varies according to an agent's assignment. Some AFOSI units require a great deal of work-related travel, especially those that are responsible not just for one installation but for others within a region. Other units require much less travel. The nature of AFOSI work, however, practically dictates at least some travel for everyone, as any investigation could require an agent to conduct an interview or gather evidence at other locations. Also, on occasion, agents are called away to testify at courts-martial at their previous assignment locations.
What about deployments? Do agents deploy?
Yes, just like most members of the Air Force, agents deploy.
What are the physical requirements?
There are no special physical requirements. You must simply be worldwide qualified and have a current passing score on all components of the fitness assessment with no exemptions or profile.
How do I get into certain specialties, like technical services, computer-crime investigations, etc.?
You will be eligible to apply for specialties after you complete your probationary time. Make your desire known to your detachment leadership. Your aptitude in the specialty will be evaluated by the program manager for that specific specialty, who will assess your current level of knowledge and ability to learn more.
If hired, will I wear civilian clothes to work?
When performing agent duties, you'll wear "agent attire," which is typically the same as business attire for males and females. However, you will be required to maintain a full complement of Air Force uniforms for Professional Military Education, ceremonial purposes, and other instances that may arise that require uniform wear.
Current as of 15 Feb 24